Sunday, May 24, 2009

-:losing weight and a better you!:-

migrating from one of the most expensive diet drink [ohh I can't spell out the product's name over here, but you can always email me for further details okay!!!] make me put on weight tremendously~ hohoh~ that issue is always the most scary nightmare for all, especially for the ladies right?...

That was the time I met LACTO FIBER drink~ frankly speaking, I do have a big problem on having the drink on its own, thus, I mix it with a spoon of sunquick ehehe~ thus, my taste-bud will welcome the drink with a happy face:) eheh~ ohh no problem, some people can just drink it like that~ yeah, my sister can do that, but surely not me [maybe kes anak tekak mengada-ngada sket kot:P]

this is a supplementary diet drink~ thus, it actually helps you in balancing your health and at the same time it promotes weight lost!!! lovely isn't it? yeah it is!

as for myself, on my first three months of LACTO FIBER, i took it twice daily, the 1st one will be in the early morning, before i had anything else, and the second one will be just before my bedtime~ amazingly, after the first drink, I don't feel hungry at all~ I can actually skip my early breakfast routine, thus I only had my breakfast at around 11am [more to brunch I would say!]

the second drink of the day, will help you with your-toilet-visit on the next morning!!! ehehe~ yeah! surely bgn pagi dah rasa nak p melabur:P eheh~ that's good you know, because you detox your body and get your body ready for a new day!

Thus, basically, for a start, you need 2 bottles of LACTO FIBER per month, [or if you do not have a weight problem and just need it for maintaining your health, one bottle of it will be just enough for you too!]

talking about the price, it is RM 118 [for 30 drinks]


if you need an individual sachets it will cost you RM 53 [12 sachets]

want a cheaper price? join us now as an Independent Consultant!

for further details, email us,


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